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Daytona Christian Center

You become more than just a member, but a partner!

Partnership is defined as a relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility for the achievement of a specified goal. The specified goal God has  mandated for this ministry is to assist people in realizing His best in every area of life. We welcome, as partners, all who can identify and come in agreement with the goal and mandate of Daytona Christian Center.


Here at DCC, Partnership means more than simply accepting a piece of paper. Becoming a partner involves an expression of commitment to this “spiritual family,” a family that worship together, grow in faith together, and serve one another.


We prefer to use the term ‘partner’ rather than ‘member’, because partnership goes beyond just membership by being a participator instead of a spectator. The scripture says “we are workers together with God”, and “every joint (person) has something to supply”


We are committed to connect and join in faith with every one of our partners to help solidify their faith and find their place in the body of Christ and the DCC family.  Everyone individual who confesses Christ as Lord and align themselves with the truths of God's Word is welcome to partner with and become a part of the DCC family, or just stop in and worship with us. We believe that you will enjoy and treasure the experience!


Our vision is to help the body of Christ to "Realize God's Best" in every area of life.  This is accomplished by proclaiming the truths found in God's Word.




955 Foster Way Ste 308
South Daytona, FL 32119

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