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He's Faithful To Me

As we entered the New Year, the Lord’s word to us was that this would be a year of “stretching & blessing!” I grabbed hold on the promise of blessing and began this year with high hopes and great expectations. Well, I was the one that got things out of order because just as God had spoken, stretching came first.

My first and greatest stretch was the loss of my sister. Never had I experienced such grief. Although I knew how faithful God is, there were things I didn’t understand. And the thought of never seeing or talking to her again was overwhelming and constantly had me in tears. But, in the midst of my tears, I knew that none of this caught God by surprise. As I submitted my cares, emotions and tears to God, He took me to that place of indescribable peace, and there I was sustained through it all.

Please understand that it doesn’t take the death of a loved one for you to realize that God is a keeper and a sustainer, and that He will bring peace to any situation! But for me, I was able to see and experience God on a whole new level. When I initially thought this would break me, He kept me and even caused me to be a witness of His awesome love for me! God is faithful!

Although there are still days I get sentimental, I know that staying in a place of grief is not healthy, nor is it God’s will. I’m constantly reminded of Philippians 3:13, “But one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.” The word "straining" in the Amplified translation tells us that whenever we have to "press on" there will be opposition from the enemy. Endings always bring new beginnings. Satan strives to keep us out of the new place that God has prepared. He wants to trap us in the past and cause us to live in permanent grief and misery.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning!” Psalm 30:5

Join me next time as I share the second part of God’s promise ~ His blessing!

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